Sabrina Riso

Ms. Sabrina Riso is a sales and business development professional with extensive experience in business development and finance. She grew up in Milan (Italy) and nurtured her interest in internationalism through travelling, studying and working abroad. Before moving to London, she lived in China and subsequently in the United States. She is highly conversant in cultural and socio-political affairs and advocates for youth empowerment through equal opportunities and the fight against functional illiteracy.

Ms. Riso holds a Master’s Degree in International Management from SOAS.

  • Team Leader, Analytics – Bloomberg.
  • Head of Business Development, Tussell.
  • Sales Executive - Risk Management Solutions and Trading Systems, Trayport.
  • Sales Executive, Bloomberg.
  • Analyst - Commodities and FX Markets, Bloomberg.
  • Sales Executive, Daylesford Organic.
  • Sales and Marketing Executive, Museum of the City of New York.

Entry in The IYF

IYF History
Chair, International Relations Commission (2018- ), Member of IYF Executive Board (2016-), Member of IYF Partnerships Board (2018- ).