Date: 25 March 2020
Contact: Media Relations, press@iyfweb.org
Press Release: International Youth Federation Appoints Alexandra Squires-McCarthy Director of Governance & Policy Support
London, United Kingdom: The Executive Office of the International Youth Federation announced today the appointment of Alexandra Squires-McCarthy of the United Kingdom, as Director of the IYF Bureau of Governance & Policy Support.
Ms. Alexandra is the International Policy Adviser for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Africa and the Middle East at the Law Society. Prior to this, Alexandra was based at Chatham House and has previously worked for NGOs, government institutions and the United Nations, moreover she is a qualified Australian Lawyer.
In addition, she has worked on youth empowerment issues over a number of years, previously as a Girl Guide leader and currently volunteers assisting unaccompanied female asylum seekers in London.
Ms. Alexandra holds double degrees - a bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Policy) and Bachelor of Laws from University of Technology, Sydney.
The IYF is a global youth network, an organization advocating for youth empowerment and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to help young people build a better future. The IYF works to empower youth in line with 2030 Global Goals Agenda, to create a sustainable world for all young people through education, advocacy, and the promotion of respect and compassion.
We inform, engage, and mobilize new audiences to take action and raise funds that support sustainable development programs for youth around the world.
For more information, please contact the IYF® Media Relations via e-mail: press@iyfweb.org, or visit our website at www.iyfweb.org.